English 30 Blog

Saturday, April 29, 2006

A little random, a little about a college education

Just a little note: I did a Google search for “American Dream,” and it turns out there is a band called, “Gatsby’s American Dream.” Prior to this class I didn’t even notice the significant reflections on the American Dream that The Great Gatsby contains. Weird.

In typing that last sentence, I wrote Google with a lowercase “g.” And the computer corrected me: “google” is spelled wrong. It’s Google. That is crazy if it’s referring to the website. Googled is apparently not spelled right though, so I don’t know.

Speaking of bands, I recently spoke with my friend John via Instant Messenger. He is moving back home from school next year and focusing on his band. If they make it big, they will be an embodiment of the American Dream. He and his band mates have worked so hard for the past few years, and they continue to put in the same amount of effort. They even have mentors in the guys from the band Houston Calls, who have been their friends for a while.

I don’t know if I support his decision to leave school, however. A college education is becoming increasingly more important and for the band to replace that education they would have to become seriously popular. If they were popular for a few years that wouldn’t cover the benefit a college education would give them.

It’s actually kind of sad how little you can do without some sort of degree. With tuitions becoming increasingly expensive, not everyone can afford to attend a university. I mean, you can go to a county college, but that isn’t even that useful. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing county schools, but there is high competition for entry level positions, and potential employers are going to choose the candidate from the better school. That’s just the way it is. An applicant from Harvard is probably going to get the job over me, which is just something I have to accept.


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